These steps do not apply to AKSOM Plus classes

Step 1: To enroll, purchase course and textbook on our website NO LESS THAN TWO WEEKS prior to the course date. 


Textbooks may be ordered from AKSOM and will be charged a $10 shipping/handling fee, if mailing, to cover mailing expenses, e.g. postage, packing, materials, etc. AKSOM reserves the right to change all fees without notice.

Note: First-time students must submit a New Student Application form and be accepted into the Alaska District School of Ministry (AKSOM) before enrolling in a course.

Step 2: Read the textbook as soon as you receive it. Complete the text overview which is found on Moodle. The overview must be submitted in Moodle before class. (The text overview counts toward 40% of the final grade for the course.) 

Note: Please choose only one course for your level of study.

CM-LOC Life of Christ

LM-EVA Evangelism

OM-PEN Pentateuch

CM-OTS Old Testament Survey

LM-EPH Ephesians

OM-STE2 Systematic Theology 2

CM-NTS New Testament Survey



CM-ST1 Systematic Theology 1

LM-SP Sermon Preparation

OM-MCM Multicultural Ministry

CM-HIB How to Interpret the Bible

LM-AGM Intro to AG Missions

OM-PM Pastoral Ministry

CM-SEC Spirit Empowered Church

LM-ESC Eschatology

OM-CAFL Church Administration, Finance & Law


AKSOM+ Youth Min

CM-SEC AG History, Missions, and Governance

LM-LD Leadership Dynamics

OM-PB The Poetic Books

CM-ME Ministerial Ethics

LM-CR Conflict Resolution

OM-TOW Theology of Worship

CM-IPD Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine

LM-ROM - Romans

OM-TOP Theology of Prayer

CM-BMI Beginning Ministerial Internship

LM-IMI Intermediate Ministerial Internship

OM-AMI Advanced Ministerial Internship